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FIFE FANCY FEDERATION - Revised April 2010

History Rules & Regulations 2008 General Notes

Fife Photo Gallery

Specialist Club List Classification Panel of Judges
Show Results 2007 Show Results 2008 Show Results 2009 Show Results 2011      

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Gerald Spencer's Best White Canary East Anglian FFCC Show 2007

The inaugural meeting of the Fife Fancy Federation took place in April 1984 with the Fife Fancy Canary Club, Southern England Fife Club, North of England Fife Fancy Canary Club, West of Scotland Fife Fancy Canary Club, Fife Fancy Canary Club of Wales, London and South Fife Fancy Canary Club and the International FFCA being represented.

The meeting was opened by Mr. Harry Jardine and officers elected included Mr. Peter Gray - Chairman and Mr. Anderson taking on the Secretary’s role from Mrs. Maureen James.

The `object` of the Fife Fancy Federation is to co-ordinate, advance, and encourage the culture, improvement and honorable exhibition of this special breed.

Rules and Regulations were drawn up and amended and the issue of a standard show cage for exhibition was debated. Upon the vote the “Dewar” show cage was approved and details were to be forwarded to Cage & Aviary Birds.

Each club was requested to submit to the Secretary a list of their judges so that a Panel Judge list could be established and issued by the  Federation, (operational from 1986 with 51 judges listed). The venue for future meetings was determined and Blackpool became venue for the Federation AGM.

Over 400 Fife Fancy were entered for the 1984 National Exhibition of Cage & Aviary Birds, a doubling in numbers over the last five years when 190 were entered for the last show at Alexandra Palace in 1979.

The National Exhibition of Cage & Aviary Birds moved to the NEC in 1984 following four years at Bingley Hall, Birmingham.

Mr. Terry Kelly became the Secretary in 1985 and the “show cage” debate continued. Twenty-six classes were established for open shows and club shows receiving full patronage.  Two judges were nominated for the National Exhibition of Cage and Aviary Birds, Mr. Harry Jardine and Mr. Tony Bell, (Mr. Roy Fox was nominated as reserve).   The Fife Section was now the third largest section at the National and was continuing to expand.

Roger Godsell's Best Canary (variegated yellow hen) East Anglian FFCC Show 2007


East Anglian Fife Fancy Canary Club was accepted into the Federation in 1986.  Shropshire, Salop and District FFCC joined in 1987.

Mr. Jim Kelly took on the Chairman’s role in 1988 with Mrs. Wanda Gawn accepting the Secretary’s position.  A Federation ‘Rule Book’ was in the process of being prepared for print, four judges were considered necessary for the National Exhibition and the Panel judge list now extended to 68 names.

Tyne Tees FFCC and Kent and Sussex FFCC apply for membership in 1989 and are duly welcomed to the Federation.

1990 - The Southern Counties FFCC and the Belgian Border and Fife Canary Club join the Federation.  Much discussion continued upon the classification particularly in relation to birds exhibited in the variegated classes.  For some years there had been discussion on the so-called “borderline” cases 50% dark or three parts dark.  Concern was also expressed about the large numbers in these classes and whether a separate variegated Cinnamon class should be introduced.  Consideration was also given to splitting the clear and ticked birds into separate classes.

East of Scotland FFCC and West Wales FFC join the Federation in 1991, bringing the total number of clubs to fifteen.

It was suggested that the Federation should become affiliated to the National Council for Aviculture, to be determined at next AGM.

Main items under discussion at this time included rules on panel judge status, training for judges, using judges from abroad, patronage rule, amendments to the classification and, of course the old chestnut “show cage floor covering”.  Mandates to change the use of oat husks were defeated by 6 votes to 5 votes.  The classification was increased to 30 classes, effective from 1992 and seven judges were nominated for the National Exhibition.

East Anglia FFCC called for a pictorial model for the Fife Fancy and tabled an example for further discussion at the 1992 AGM.

1992 - North West FFCC joins the Federation.

24 delegates representing 14 out of the 16 member clubs attend this year’s AGM.

A proposal to hold the meeting every three years was defeated and thus annual meetings would continue.

Proposals to change the show cage floor covering were again defeated.

North of England FFCC and West of Scotland FFCC call for a pictorial model for the Fife Fancy.

1993 - Lanarkshire and Lothian FFCC join the Federation.

A minute’s silence was held at the Annual General Meeting following the death of Bill Gawn.  He had not only supported Wanda in her role as secretary, but also helped her throughout with her hobby.

A motion to relax the criteria for panel judge status from 7 years to 5 years for exhibitors of other types of canaries was lost and proposed changes to the show cage floor covering were not accepted.

A proposal for “ticked birds” to return to the clear class was also defeated.

A call was made for “flighted classes” for the Fife Fancy at the National Exhibition.

From the pictorial models circulated the use of the original drawing No.7 was approved by  6 votes for to 2 against.

Proposals to divide the Federation into area zones, namely Scotland, North of England, Wales and South of England, were not supported.

Rings on birds being exhibited is giving some clubs concern and Federation rules that one ring only should be used.

Conditions to be imposed on FFF when nominating judges for the Scottish National are lifted.

1994 - AGM venue moves to St Annes on Sea. 

Durham FFCC accepted into membership of the Federation but only nine of out 18 specialist Fife Clubs are affiliated to the National Council for Aviculture.

Debate raised again on show cage floor covering - oats husks again receiving support.  Delegates vote against closed rings for current year birds.  Amendments to classification for ticked birds and foul birds into clear and self classes respectively was not supported.

Again proposals to divide the Federation were also lost by 11 votes to 4 votes.

East of Scotland FFCC  tabled a model of the Fife Fancy made by Fine Ceramic Trophies, and explained why it was not possible to raise this issue through the mandates due to illness.  Federation agrees to adopt the model in principle, subject to slight modifications.  

In his 1995 address to delegates the Chairman noted that there was some disquiet within the membership but he hoped the Federation would remain united. The Secretary reported that the secret meetings were being held to elect a new Fife Council, the previous year had been rather uneasy and unsettling.

The Belgium FFCC was withdrawn from the Federation as the club was no longer in existence.

Modifications to the model were awaited from the manufacturers.

Kent and Sussex call for a colour standard with better definitions for Green’s and Cinnamon’s.

The 1996 AGM noted that the Fife Fancy section is now out numbering Border and Gloster sections at some of the large open shows.                                               

Netherlands Border and Fife Fancy Canary Club become affiliated to the Federation and at home the Green, Cinnamon and White FFCC is formed and joins the Federation.

The Canary Council and the Federation give rosettes at the National Exhibition of Cage and Aviary Birds for the first time.

The Secretary calls for Club Secretary’s to forward dates of their open shows for publication in Cage and Aviary Birds diary of events.

The Canary Council delegate announces a new scheme from the National Council for Aviculture with special awards for the club of the year.

Correspondence received from Germany (AZ Club) expresses concern about colour-fed Fifes being exhibited and interbreeding with other varieties. The Federation responds with articles in Cage and Aviary Birds, interbred birds cannot be exhibited as Fife Fancy and colour feeding is prohibited.

The terms `ticked`, `three parts dark`, and foul are no longer used and so they should be taken out of the classification.

Chris Smith elected as Publicity Officer for the Federation.

Controversy revolves around some judges who are letting self birds with light feather bibs through for Specials.The Federation rules are clear and it is for the judge to use his discretion to wrong class these birds.

Kent and Sussex raise the issue of colour standards again, particularly with the Green’s and Cinnamon’s. It was agreed that a `Holly` leaf best describes the Green’s -yellow like the top of the leaf and buff like the underside.

East of Scotland FFCC and West of Scotland FFCC leave the Federation   

New officers elected at the 1997 AGM are Mr. Alex McEwan-Chairman,

Mr.Bill Bean-Vice Chairman, Mr. Chris Smith-Secretary/Treasurer and

Mr. Denzil Griffiths as Publicity Officer. Wanda Gawn retires as Secretary after nine years.

A show date co-ordinator  is appointed to help clubs arrange their shows and avoid clashing with other club shows.

Kent and Sussex FFCC cease activities and are in the hands of trustees.

Canary  Council report highlights the lack of Juniors coming into the Fancy as a whole and asks the Federation to consider ways of encouraging young people take enter the hobby.

Show Cage floor covering debate continues to rage :- 7 votes to 3 at the AGM to change to clipped oats for an experimental one year period, ie the 1997/98 show season.

Proposals to put the `ticked`birds back into the clear classes and `foul` birds into the self classes were defeated.

Rings- agreed one ring per bird when exhibiting, plain or numbered and where letters are used they should only denote the ring size,ie no personal initials allowed.

Requests to open up the Federation to individual members were defeated. The Federation is a governing body not a club.

Subscriptions for member clubs are raised from £10 to £20 per annum

1998 - AGM - West of Scotland rejoin the Federation.

Results of the 1997/98  experimental show cage floor covering are debated, oat husks v clipped oats, 11 delegates vote for a return to oat husks and two clubs want to retain clipped oats.

Drawings of the Fife Fancy Canary by Bill Everett (black & white) and Andy McEwan (colour) are distributed to member club Secretaries to consult the grass roots on a possible Pictorial model for the Fife Fancy.

Secretary suggests that the Federation produces a Yearbook for fanciers and hopes to table a draft at next year’s AGM.

West of Scotland are to start the `International` competition again between England, Scotland and Wales.

Seven judges are called upon to place the awards at the National Exhibition as entries top the 1600 level. 


AGM - Kent and Sussex FFCC welcomed back into the fold – hoping to promote a show in Jan 2000.

New FFF draft Yearbook approved and a Pictorial Model based on drawing by Bill Everett agreed by delegates.


At the AGM in April Alex McEwan and Bill Bean stand down as Chairman and Vice Chairman and delegates thanked them for their efforts during their three year term.

Percy Jacobs and Willie McKay are elected Chairman and Vice Chairman.

Rule changes were discussed from proposals over the three previous years and the only one agreed was that prospective candidates for Panel Judge status must now be a member of an affiliated club for 7 years, five years of which must be at Champion level.

There are now 132 Panel Judges listed.

The application to join the Federation from the Irish FFCC was accepted


Cornwall and Devon FFCC and Northants Border and Fife Fancy CC join the Federation.

Proposals to change the classification to put “ticked” birds in the Clear class and “foul” birds in the Self class were not approved, thus the classification remains unchanged.

137 Panel judges on approved list.


A period of silence was observed at the start of the meeting in memory of Walter Lumsden, Bert Beeson, H Ball, and R Craig.

The meeting approved a change to the classification to include “ticked” birds in the Clear class and “Foul” in the Self class, and separate HV White classes were included in the classification.

Rule change for prospective candidates for Panel Judge status must be a member of an affiliated club for a minimum total of 5 years, with a minimum of 3 years as champion.

The Federation stand at the National was deemed a success and plans are being prepared for this year’s show. The NCA web site now contains the names and addresses of Club Secretaries.

FFCC of Wales has now disbanded due to lack of support.  

Now 142 Panel Judge’s on the approved list.

2003 AGM

Congratulations to Willie McKay and Kevin Gorman – World Champions at the World Show in France 2003

Eligibilty for Panel Judge status now 5 years as member of specialist club with 3 years as a Champion.

Classification changed as from April 2003 to March 2006 :-

            Clear and Ticked in same class

            Self or Foul in same class

            New classes for Heavily Varigated Whites.

New definition of “bone fide” club included in the rules with a list of requirements to comply with Federation rules.

Proposal to extend the Novice age to 21 years approved, becomes operational   in the Rules and Regulations in 2006.

Proposed changes to Standard defeated, 25 points for size to remain.

Five new panel judges elected to the Federation Panel, now 140 judges listed.

Green, Cinnamon and White FFCC  and London and South FFCC wound up.

Two new clubs accepted into the Federation North Wales FFCC and FFCC Italiano.


Application for membership for Cleveland FFCC and Flemish Border and Fife Fancy CC approved.

Novice rule to remain as existing, last year’s change overturned.

Green, Cinnamon and White club reformed.

Irish FFCC no longer in existence.

Correspondence from DEFRA indicates possible new licensing regime for shows/pet fairs, consultation currently being carried out on the draft Animal Welfare bill.


AGM dominated by the Animal Welfare Bill and the loss of the National Exhibition. The Government was, prior to the election, proposing a licensing regime for exhibitions where trade stands sold birds. A new bill is to be included in this session of Parliament and DEFRA are about to embark on a new consultation. All clubs urged to respond to the consultation.

The loss of the National Exhibition of Cage and Aviary Birds was much lamented, discussion on setting up a new show or holding a Fife National in conjunction with the North of England FFCC was discussed. 

Roger Godsell elected Chairman following Percy Jacobs resignation due to ill- health and Chris Smith voted in as delegate to the NCA and Canary Council.

A moment’s silence held in respect of members who had passed away during the last year:- Denise Shuker, Cliff Harris, Ernie Wilson, Keith Stretton, D Pickett and W Evans.

David Shelbourne congratulated on his points achievement at the 2004 World Show, coming fourth he just missed out on the medals.

Border and Fife Club Deutschland now affiliated to the Federation. Cleveland FFCC voted to change their name to Northumberland and Durham FFCC, Lanark and Lothian change their name to West Lothian FFCC. Late application from some members of Cleveland FFCC to retain that club was agreed subject to written application and affiliation fee being received.

A proposal that ticked birds be entered in variegated classes was not approved, however Clubs could have a separate Clear and Ticked class.

A mandate that all current year bred birds be closed rung was not approved.

A change of wording to the standard was approved, for Body it now reads :-

“well filled and nicely rounded from a gentle rise over the shoulders and back to the base of the tail”.

Nine new judges elected to the Federation judging panel.


Delegates reflected on what had been a bad year for the Fancy, with the threat of Avian Influenza in Europe, the loss of many shows at the start of the season, the passage of the Animal Welfare Bill, debate on the need for Registration and closed rings. Bird Show UK had put on a valiant effort but was hit by the ban sales birds and the Foreign Section.

Application to join the Federation from the Republic of Ireland FFCC was approved.

The NCA and Canary Council continue to be represented at meetings with DEFRA and MP’s at Westminster. The Animal Welfare Bill has passed through the Commons and is now having its second reading in the House of Lords. The Government’s proposal for a licensing system remains in the Bill. A General License has now been issued for bird shows but clubs should check with the DEFRA helpline nearer the time of their show.

The Federation remains opposed to the compulsory closed ringing of the Fife Fancy.

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1.          That this Organisation be called the “Fife Fancy Federation”.

2.         The object shall be to co-ordinate, advance, encourage the culture, improvement and honourable exhibition of this special breed.

3.          The working year of the Federation to be from April until March the following year.

4.          Any bona-fide Fife Fancy club may join the Federation provided its application is approved at the Federation’s AGM. A bone fida club should :-

                        i)          collect annual subscriptions from members,

ii)          elect officers, Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer and a Committee,

iii)         hold an AGM, (copy minutes to FFFsecretary)

iv)         have a constitution and rules and regulations, (copy to be forwarded to  FFF secretary)

v)          promote the Fife Fancy Canary by whatever means possible, shows, meetings, publicity etc,

vi)         elect two delegates to represent the club on the Federation

5.          New member clubs shall pay £10.00  subscription during the first two years of membership, with voting rights only on new issues after one year of membership, with full voting rights after two years, when full subscription of £30.00 shall become due.

6.          The affairs of the Federation to be managed by a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary/Treasurer, and delegates from the member clubs who shall form the committee.

An AGM will be held in April each year and each member club may appoint two delegates to attend the Federation meetings, but only one vote per member club shall be accepted on any issue.  Proxy votes are not acceptable.  In the event of a tie the Chairman has the casting vote based on his personal view which may not necessarily be that of his club.

7.          The Office Bearers shall be elected for a period of three years with the option of remaining in office beyond this time if agreeable.

8.          The Federation shall use its influence to provide proper classes for the Fife Fancy Canary at Shows and to maintain a Federation Full Classification list consisting of 32 classes for both Champion and Novice.

9.          Fanciers are eligible to sit on more than one Fife Club committee or   hold elected office as long as it is not a senior position within more than one club. (Senior positions include President, Chairman, Vice Chairman, or Secretary/ Treasurer).

10.        JUDGES

a)          The Federation’s approved list of Panel Judges shall be reviewed at   each AGM and any new applications received through Federation Member Club Secretaries for Panel Judge status will be considered.

b)          Member Club Secretaries sponsoring applicants for Panel Judge status should have proof that the applicant has been a member of a Fife Fancy Specialist Club(s) for a minimum total of five years, with  a minimum of three years as champion, and is a current breeder who has shown on at least three occasions each year at FFF members club patronage shows.

c)          Guest judges from abroad will be accepted to judge in the UK provided host club secretaries can verify the ability to judge to FFF standards, but in no way will this imply the granting of Panel Judge status to such judges.

d)          Judges shall disqualify any birds not of natural colour and any complaints should be notified to the Federation for a decision.

e)          Judges should not judge and exhibit at the same show.

f)           Judges can accept judging engagements at their own discretion.

g)          FFF Secretary to inform all Panel Judges of any rule changes following the AGM.

11.        PATRONAGES

a)          Member Clubs shall only grant Patronage’s to clubs using a Fife Fancy classification which includes all classes contained in the Federation’s list, and have appointed Fife Judges whose names appear on the current Federation Panel Judge List.

b)          No Patronages will be granted to clubs who accepts Fife Patronages from clubs who are not members of the FFF.

12.              JUNIORS shall retain that status from the age of 8 to 16 years.   The former Junior Bird League ruling will be accepted.

13.       NOVICES shall remain in the category for 5 years from the first year of exhibiting, after which period they will lose this status (see also   General Note 3).

14.        The DEWAR CAGE is the only accepted Fife show cage and changes will not be considered until April 2009 They must be black and small round drinkers only to be used.  

Spars of show cages to be placed so as to leave five empty wires between them, the first spar to be on drinking hole wire.  Cover of seed box to have a slot in it and not holes, and box to contain plain or mixed canary seed, oat husks to be used as floor covering .  Cage labels to be directly under spar, away from drinker.  Spars to be 1/2” (13mm) diameter with 12-groove spiral.

15.        Rings – only one ring per bird, closed or spilt, no personal initials, letters should denote ring size or issuing authority, e.g. IOA.

16.        These rules will not be subject to any change, for a period of three years from April 2006,  the only exception being those that may become necessary to conform with any future legislation, details of which shall be published in the form of an appendix for insertion in current rule books.  Rule changes proposed by member clubs for the next three year period must be included in the mandates submitted to the FFF secretary for the AGM

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Small round and neat - beak fine, eyes central to roundness of head and body


BODY Well filled and nicely rounded from a gentle rise over the shoulders  and back to base of the tail, chest also rounded, but neither heavy nor prominent.


WINGS Compact and carried close to the body, meeting at the tips, just below the root of tail. 10
LEGS Of medium length, showing little thigh. 5
PLUMAGE Close, firm, fine in quality. 10
TAIL Close packed and narrow, being nicely rounded and filled in at the root. 5

Semi-erect, standing at an angle of 60 degrees. Gay,  jaunty with full Poise of head

COLOUR Rich, soft and pure, as level in tint as possible throughout but extreme depth and hardness such as colour feeding gives are DEBARRED. 10
HEALTH Condition and cleanliness shall have due weight. 5
SIZE Not to exceed 4¼ INCHES (108mm) 25


CLEAR BIRD A clear bird is one which has no dark feathers.
TICKED BIRD One which has not more than one dark mark coverable by a new penny or three dark feathers  side by side on wing or tail.
VARIEGATED BIRD A variegated bird must be less than 50% dark feathers.
HEAVILY variegated to be greater than 50% dark feathers and two separate classes are provided.
FOUL BIRD One which has not more than one light mark coverable by a penny or three light feathers side by side on wing or tail.
SELF BIRD A self bird must be all dark,  ie no light feathers.

Other descriptions:-

Three Parts Dark - greater than 75% dark feathers, shown in the Heavily Variegated class.

Grizzle bird -to be shown as variegated in appropriate classes.  A grizzle mark smaller than one new penny is shown in the variegated class NOT the ticked class because the grizzle is more than one dark mark.


Where a Novice Fife exhibitor resides in the same household as a Champion Fife exhibitor the Novice must show in the higher status.  If the higher status exhibitor exhibits any variety of cage birds other than Fifes then the Novice Fife exhibitor shall exhibit under his or her own status.

4.         JUNIOR AWARDS

All FFF member clubs will have rosettes available for Junior classes when patronage’s are granted.  These will not be sent automatically with the other rosettes unless secretaries of the clubs applying for patronage’s request them as not all clubs require them.


All secretaries of Federation member clubs and the secretary of the FFF shall be accorded the privilege of honorary membership of all other member clubs during their terms of office.

 Revised April 2010

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Specialist Club List

Southern England Fife Fancy Canary Club
Secretary:  Mr P Gray.
45 Ackerman Street,
Eaton Socon, nr. St Neots,
Tel: 01480 380147
North of England FFCC
Secretary: Bill Bannister
69 Durkar Lane, Crigglestone,
Wakefield WF4 3HZ
Tel 01924 253738
Fife Fancy Canary Club
Secretary: David Lumsden,
89 Ralston Drive,
Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY2 6XH
International FFCA
Secretary:  Mr & Mrs M Godsell,
100 Everdon Rd, Holbrooks,
Tel 024 7668 2810
East Anglian FFCC
Secretary:  Mr C Wilding
5 Oliver Place,
Witham, Essex CM8 2UD
Tel no.01376 514370
Green Cinnamon and White FFCC
Sec: K J & S M Theusinger,
51 Carpenter Close,
Devon EX16 5DU
Tel 01884 258742
Fife Fancy Canary Club of Italy
Secretary: Angelo Ronchi

via Repubblica, 15,   40013 Castelmaggiore,
Kent & Sussex FFCC
Secretary: Roy Clayton,

179 Kohima Place,
Burgoyne, Guston,
Dover  Kent CT15 5LJ
Tel: 01304 215680
The Midland Fife Fancy Canary Club
Secretary: Mr B S Bocock,
44Church Lane
Leics LE9 8DG
Danish Border Fife Club
Secretary Henrik Holm, Gartnervej 9, 4654 Fakse Ladeplads, Denmark

Tel. +45 48161052
Flemish Border and Fife Fancy Canary Club
Dirk Pelgrims, Aarschotbaan,21 B 2580 PUTTE Belgium
Tel: 0032 15 24 14 01
West Wales FFCC
Secretary:  Mr J Watkins  9 Abbey Road, Kenfig Hill, Bridgend, Glamorgan CF33   6HF
Tel 01656 745037

Southern Counties FFCC
Secretary: Mr L Thompson  51 Edward Rd, Farnham, Surrey,GU9 8NP
Tel:  01252 734810

North West FFCC
Secretary: Mr R Brown, 30 Moss Nook, Burscough, L40 0RQ
Tel: 01704 892  883
West of Scotland FFCC
Secretary:  Mr R Stillie, 19 Stirven Cres, Wishaw, Mid Strathclyde ML2 0JL
Tel: 01698 355019
East of England  B&FFCC
Secretary A Triolo, 179bShrub End Rd. Colchester, Essex CO3 4RG
Tel. 01206  760386
Cornwall & Devon FFCC
Mrs Pat White  31 Broadlands Close ,Plymouth, Devon PL7 1JP

Tel. 01752 339784
Northants Border and Fife Fancy CC
Mr J Morton  54 Chalcombe Rd, Kingsthorpe, Northamton NN2 8JE
Tel. 01604 721116

North Wales FFCC
D Shelbourne 14 Penrhos Ave, Llysfaen Road, Old Colwyn, Colwyn Bay, Conwy LL29 9HW

Tel. 01492 517981

Northumberland & Durham FFCC
B Ogden 10 Rosebrry Rd, Trimdon Village, Co Durham TS29

Durham and Northumberland FFCC
B Ogden 10 Rosebrry Rd, Trimdon Village, Co Durham TS29

Border and Fife Club Deutschland
Werner Kolter  51427 Bergish Gladbach, den Im Schlangenhofchen 2, Germany
North of Scotland FFCC
Mrs Annette Munroe, 10 Millcroft, Dores, IV2 6TQ
West of Scotland Border and Fife Fancy Canary Club
Georgina Stevenson, 36 Logan Drive, Troon, Aryshire KA10 6PW
Fife Fancy Federation Officers      
Mr Roger Godsell
69 Avon Road
Worcester, WR4 9AG
Vice Chairman:
Mr Len Thompson
51 Edward Road
Surrey, GU9 8NP
FFF Secretary:
Chris Smith
61 Eastmaed Avenue
Tel 020 8575 2716

 Revised April 2010

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CLASSIFICATION  up to March 2012

1 Clear Yellow Cock 33
2 Clear Yellow Hen 34
3 Clear Buff Cock 35
4 Clear Buff Hen 36
5 Green Variegated Yellow Cock 37
6 Green Variegated Yellow Hen 38
7 Green Variegated Buff Cock 39
8 Green Variegated Buff Hen 40
9 Green Heavily Variegated Yellow Cock 41
10 Green Heavily Variegated Yellow Hen 42
11 Green Heavily Variegated Buff Cock 43
12 Green Heavily Variegated Buff Hen 44
13 Green Self Yellow Cock 45
14 Green Self Yellow Hen 46
15 Green Self Buff Cock 47
16 Green Self Buff Hen 48
17 Cinnamon Variegated Yellow Cock (inc HV) 49
18 Cinnamon Variegated Yellow Hen (inc HV) 50
19 Cinnamon Variegated Buff Cock (inc HV) 51
20 Cinnamon Variegated Buff Hen (inc HV) 52
21 Cinnamon Self Yellow Cock 53
22 Cinnamon Self Yellow Hen 54
23 Cinnamon Self Buff Cock 55
24 Cinnamon Self Buff Hen 56
25 Clear or Ticked White Cock 57
26 Clear or Ticked White Hen 58
27 Variegated White Cock 59
28 Variegated White Hen 60
29 Heavily Variegated White Cock 61
30 Heavily Variegated White Hen 62
31 Blue or Fawn Self Cock 63
32 Blue or Fawn Self Hen 64
65 Junior 65
66 Sales Cock 66
67 Sales Hen 67

Ticked and Grizzle birds are shown in the relevant Variegated Class.

Note:- Unflighted or Flighted birds may be shown in the above classes unless show schedule states separate classes. If Unflighted classes are stipulated then the year colour ring should be used on unflighted birds. It is not compulsory to ring Fife Fancy Canaries for exhibition.


 Revised April 2010

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Panel Judges List (with date of joining)

Judges accepted onto the Panel prior to 1994 are not dated.

C ADAMS                     24 Drayton Street, Swadlingcote  Derbyshire, DE11 5LB 01283-358156

Miss F ADAMSON      8 Cedar Crescent, Thornton, Fife – 2002

C ADAMSON               8 Cedar Crescent, Thornton Fife. -2006

J ANDERSON              4 Bank St, Whitburn, West Lothian, Scotland EH47 0DU - 2002

G & J ARCHER            8 Folley Terrace, Pity-Ma, Durham DH1 5DS -  2007 Tel no. 01913 839117

W BANNISTER            69 Durkar Lane, Wakefield, West Yorks. 01924-253738

A G BELL                     42 Le Strange Avenue, North Lynn, Kings Lynn Norfolk 01553-774980 

E BOYD                       144 Curruck Park Ave Carlisle CA2 4DH -1999 01228-541154

G BRADBROOK         3 Pitts Lane, Reading 2008

J BRAUNS                   Berg18.2490 Balen Belgium -  2010

R BROWN                     30 Moss Nook, Burscough, L40 0RQ - 2010 -  Tel. 01704 892883 Email roybrown30@talktalk.net

H BURNETT                24 Craiglaw, Dechmond, EH52 6LU

D BUTTON                  “Allerton” The Crescent  Sunniside Newcastle upon Tyne-1999 0191-488-7181

J CAMPBELL               6 Alcath Rd      Newmains Wishaw -2000

R CLARK                     43 Swallow Cres, Innsworth Gloucester GL13 1BW(1995)  

H CLARKE                   36 Leniscar Ave, Loscoe, Derbyshire, (2001) 01773 719388

J E CLARKE                ‘Wyvenhoe’, 8 Welbourne Way, Barnby,Suffolk NR34 7QX 01502-476551

O CLARKSON             9 Finchale Terrace,Lower Simonside,Jarrow Tyne &Wear NE32 3TX (1996)    0191 483 8197

S COOK                      1999 01482-666516

P CONROY                 48 Dumbain Crescent, Balloch, G83 8DP 01389-754040

J CROUCHER             38d London Road, Cirencester, GL7 1AG (2011) 01285 643059

C J CURNOW             8 Barnfield Terrace, Indian Queens St Columb, Cornwall. TR9 6LJ - 2006

G DARLING                 Cambridgeshire 2009

T W DAVIS                   29 Westwinds Close   Waunarlwydd   Swansea  SA5 UR1-1999 01792-539198

J  DEAN                       30 Baberton Mains Place Edinburgh EH14 3DE 0131 453 3080 

H S DUNKLEY             35 Sutherland way, Stamford, Lincs PE9 2TD – 1995

B DURRANT                37 Wallington Shore Rd, Fareham Hampshire PO16 8SG - 2006

E ECCLESTON          36 Leamore Crescent, Shrewsbury, Salop SY3 7QD 01743-362296

M ELD                          24 Proctor Rd, Formby, L37 1NY 07748 182717 matteld72@gmail.com - 2010

R ELLIS                        “Wiljord”, 26 Sparke Close, Plymouth, Devon PL7 2YA –2003

R EVANS                     12 Townsend Rd  Tiptree  Colchester  Essex CO5 0ND - 2000

R EVANS                     1A Ashwell, Caerleon  Newport Gwent NP6 1JU- 2002

T FAIRHURST            244 Lupton Rd, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S8 7NJ -  2008

W FAIRLY                    30 Burnlea Drive, Stoneyburn, West Lothian, 01501 762710.

R FINLAYSON             49 High Circle, Muir of Ord, Ross-shire, Scotland

J FLYNN                      1 Bedford Walk, Haughton Green, Denton, Manchester M34 1HF-94 0161-336-8298

A A FOX                       ‘The Den’, 11 Grove Road, Repps with Bastwick, Norfolk NR29 5J 01692 670510

P S FOX                       14 Godwin Rd,  Wisbeach Cambs - 2003

R FOX                          27 Bush Lane, Wisbech, Cambs PE13 2JW 01945-465260

K GILES                       1 Whinlatter Close  Millon Cumbria LA18 4QT – 2000

P GILLOTT                   67 The Delves, Swanwick, Derbyshire DE55 1AR - 1994 01773-606242

R GODSELL                69A Avon Rd, Worcester WR4 9AG – 2003 01905 729836

A GOODMAN               21 Fountain St Goole N Humberside-1999 01405-761550

D GREEN                     45 Abbotsford Drive, Glenrothes, Fife KY62 2LP (2011) 01592 750 300

T GREEN                     28 Striven Cres, Wishaw, Mid Strathclyde ML2 0JL (2001)

P GRAY                        6 Beechwood Road, Wisbeach Cambs  PE13 3PF. 01945 480024

B GREENAWAY         15 Myrtle Grove,Aveley, Essex RM15 4JB (1997) 01708-864697

J GUNN                        21 Baird Terrace, Haddington, East Lothian EH41 3AX

A GUPPY                     12 Brimble Cottages Stourton Caundle Sturminster, Newtown, Dorset, DT10 2JS.     01963 362505    -   2009

R HANCOCK               20 Tremayne Rd, St Austell, Cornwall PL25 4NE. 01726 72403   -   2010

J HANDS                      4 Penine Road, Dewsbury, WF12 7AW (2001) 01924 457957

J HAMLETT                  35 Tynwald Cres  Widnes Cheshire WA89AN -1998 0151-424-6414

T HAMMOND               3 Harbour Hill Road   Poole   Dorset  BH15 3PX – 2000 01202 665888

C HART                        Oak Farm, Newbridge Road, Layer Marney, Colchester, Essex CO5  9XU (1996) 01621-816491

G HAYNES                   20 Kingsley Alcester, Warkwickshire B49 6BH -2005 01789 765502

Q HEMBURY               Kings Park House, Seven Hills Nacton, Ipswich - 2008. 07795 003 733

S HINDMARSH           6 Norrland Place, Walford, Ross on Wye, Herefordshire HR9 5SA –2003

A HOF                          Friedhofstrasse 2, 65599 Dornburg, Germany  -  2007

A HOLDING                 33 Stanbridge Lane, Sandal, Wakefield, West Yorkshire. - 2004

J HOLMES                   25 Laburnum Ave, Newbold Verdon,Leics  LE9 9LQ (2011) 01455 824697

M HOLMES                  60 Old Park Avenue, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1DN 01227 769426

M HUDDLESTON       15 Charles Ave, Wakefield, West Yorks, WF1 5DG. 01924 384918    - 2009

A HUNTER                   9 Salvesen Gdns Edinburgh EH4 5JU  - 2002

R JACK                        12 Queens St. Grange Villa, Chester le Street, Durham DH2 3LT 01913 701394

G JACKSON                59 Heathfield Drive, Blackwood, Lanarkshire, ML11 9SR - 2006

R JACKSON                47 Masonfield, Clayton Brook, Bamber Bridge, Preston PR5 8HO – 1994

W JARDINE                 312 High St. Newarthill, Motherwell, Lanarkshire ML1 5HP - 1996 01698-861369

H JARDINE                  312 High St. Newarthill, Motherwell, Lanarkshire ML1 5HP 01698-861369

G JUNNER                    46 Armdale Rd, Whitburn EH47 0EX 01501 743642 - 2009

F KEHOE                     14 Mannix Place, Wexford, Rep of Ireland   -   2007 Tel no. 00353 53 23296

J KELLY                       1 Regal Grove  Calderhead View, Dykehead, Shotts  ML7  4PD 01501-821675

T KELLY                       Wollendale, Cop-Royd, Gynn Lane, Honley, Huddersfield HD7 2LH 01484-662873

W KOLTER                  51427 Bergisch Gladbach  Im Schlangenhofchen 2, Germany-1999 2204-66836

N LAWSON                  170 St Fillians Rd, St Marys, Dundee DD3 9LD –2004

B LEGGETT                  Contact details required for next year  -2012

D LEISHMAN                Ardroi, 37 Church Rd, California, Falkirk FK1 2BD - 2007

R LESLIE                     54 Inchmead Crescent,  Kelso   -2000

M LIMRICK                   43 Kenwood Lane (off Tollandine Road), Worcester WR4 9BL – 1998 01905-25679

D LUMSDEN (Snr)      89 Ralston Drive, Kirkcaldy, Fife,KY2 6XH Scotland

M MAJOR                     5 Harcourt Street, Raunds, Northants 01933-624497

P MAJOR                     5 Orchard Road, Raunds, Northants – 2004 01933 389827

A MALCOLM                16 Poplar Place, Oakbank, Perth, Scotland 01738-620287

G MANN                       42 Garsdale Close, Bearcross, Bournemouth Dorset –2005 01202 582059 / 07814 597894

I McCall                        23 Kelvinway, Hayston, Kirkintilloch, Scotland. 0141 5885505  -  2010

A McEWAN                  69 Muirhouse Avenue, Newmains Wishaw Scotland 01698-381608

J McGLINCHEY            45 Lochside, Gartcosh G69 8DH – 2002

W McKAY                     43 Drysdale Avenue, Whitburn, West Lothian, Scotland 01501-741569

M MESSENGER         27 Teddington Gardens Gloucester GL4  6RL-1998 01452-534003

W MILNE                      15 Urquhart Street, Aberdeen, Scotland

W MORTON                104 Reynard Way, Kingsthorpe Northants –2005

J T MORTON               Northampton – 2006

R MUNDAY                   30 Wingate Rd , Woodley, Reading - 2008

G MUNROE                 Dunain Mains, Inverness IV3 6JX 01463-242151

G MURDIE                  26 Abbots Way, Lesmahow M11 0AH. 01792 541024  -  2009

S MURDOCH               46 Faskine Avenue, Ardrie, ML6 9DX -   2007

J MURRAY                   Calsay Cotttage, 103 Newtrows Road, Lesmahagow, ML11 0ER - 2004     Tel no. 01555 892900

M G NEHME                 Bristol (Utech), PO Box32, St Laurent, Canada H4L 4V4   - 2000

D NORTON                 18 watts Way, Long Buckby, Northants - 1994

J ORAM                        3 Windsor Avenue, Desborough, Northants NN14 2SS 01536-761151

R PAINE                       16 Mill Lane, Morton, Gainsborugh Lincs DN21 3BW  -  2007

H PARRY                     16 Maes Maethlu, Llanfaethlu, Holyhead Angelesy -2005

L PARSLOE                 6 Peel Close  Ducklington, Oxon OX8 7 YB 01993-776159

T PATERSON              67 Stonyford Rd Wombwell Barnsley S Yorks ST3 8AF-1999 01226-750587

D PELGRIMS               Aarschotbaan,21  B2580 Putte, Belgium   -   2007

A PENNINGTON         126 Lansdowne Cres, Stanwix, Carlisle Cumbria CA3 9ER -  2007 

J PIPER                       8 Illtyd St, Neath, SA11 3HU – 2002

M J PROSSER            8 Lonisdale Drive, Meole Brace, Shrewsbury, Salop - 1994 01743-350449

R QUICK                      21 St Andrews St, Leighton Buzzard, Beds -  2007

R PURDIE                    47 Grovehill, Kelso, Roxburghshire TD5 7AR 01573-223846

S REYNOLDS             64 Cairneymount Rd,  Carluke ,Scotland, ML84DZ  (2001) 01555 771998

J ROBERTS                22 Lombard St, Portmadoc, Nth Wales LL49 9AP. 01766 512847   -  2010

K ROBERTS               16 Park Road Gowerton Swansea, West Wales SA4 3EP – 2004 Tel no. 01792 541024

S ROBERTS              16 Park Road, Gowerton, Swansea SA4 3EP. 01792 541024  -  2009

C H ROBINSON         37 Roborough Green, Thurnby Lodge, Leicester LE5 2NB - 1996 01162-434436

A L ROBSON              7 Rosehill, Gilsand, Brampton, Cumbria – 2004 Tel no. 01697 747333

A RODGER                 26 Aulton Terrace, Ashill, By Larkhall ML9 3AG - 2006

G ROEBUCK               60 Homewood Drive   Langholm, Dumfrieshire   - 1994

A RONCHI                    via Repubblica 15, 40013 Castelmaggoire, Bologna, Italy - 2005

M ROWE                     76 Browning Hill, Coxhole, Durham  (1996) 0191-377-1510

R SANDERS                20 Camberwell Ave, Bridgend, S Wales, CF31 4QT – 2006 01656  655299

F SANDERSON           - 2007

J SHAW                       1 Warren Close, The Green, Huthwaite, Sutton-in-Ashfield, Notts NG17 2RT – 1995      01623-557180

D SHELBOURNE      14   Penrhos Ave, Old Colwyn, Colwyn  BayNorth Wales  - 2011

J SHERLOCK              Northern Ireland -  2007

C A SMITH                   61 Eastmead Ave,  Geenford, Middlesex, UB6 9RF-1999 020 8575 2716

R SMITH                       8 Heoly-Newyss, West Pontnewwys, Gwent, South Wales NP44 5NS –2002

H SNOEREN               Jan.v.Eyckhof 3  4907 M A Oosterhout Holland-1998 0031 162 426682

G SPENCER               18 Burnham Way, Darfield Barnsley - 2002

A STEELE                    Northern Ireland -  2007

A STEVENS                 Buckinghamshire  - 2006

C STEWART               Laurel Bank, Main St, Crossgate, Fife KY1 8DA –2004

R STILLIE                     19 Striven Cres, Wishaw, Mid Strathclyde, ML2 0JL(2001) 01698 355019

G SULLIVAN                 10 Hillside Cres, Westhill  Skene   Aberdeenshire- 2002

D TANNER                   Clovelly  Hazel Rd  Ashgreen  Aldershot GU12 6HR-1999 01252-313683

R C TAYLOR               19 St Michael’s Close, Shipton under Wychwood, Oxon –2004 Tel no. 01993 831167

R L TAYLOR                Levant’s, Meadow Lane, Shipton under Wychwood, Oxon OX7 6BW – 2004     Tel no. 01933 830252.

L THOMPSON             51 Edward Rd, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8NP –2003 01252 734810

D TOVELL                   13 Long Close, Botley, Oxford. 01865 862 951 Mobile 07903 562034  Email d.tovell1@ntlworld.com - 2009

W TURNBULL             8 Thorntree Place, Oakley, Fife, Scotland 01383-850701

G VAUGHAN                6 Berwyn Drive,  Heswall, Wirral, Merseyside CH61 6UD. 01513 426796, gordon.vaughan@liverpool.com  -  2010

C VAUGHAN                6 Berwyn Drive,  Heswall, Wirral, Merseyside CH61 6UD. 01513 426796, chrisvaughan1989@yahoo.com  -  2010

W Van DESSEL         Hoevenstraat 5, 2230 Ramsel Belgium  -  2007

J WAKEMAN                47 Cransbill Rd, Selly Oak, Birmingham B29 4QP – 2002

J WATKINS                  9 Abbey Rd, Kenfig Hill, Bridgend, S Wales CF33 6HF 2006 01656 745037

J WEAIRE                    Redfants Cottage,Hulls Lane,Shalford Braintree Essex CM7 5HT-(2000) 01787 463447

D WEAVER                 2 Dorothy Street, Gelli, Rhondda, South Wales CF41 7UB –2002

D WHATES                  East Cottage, Hospital Farm, Churchover Lane, Harborough Magna, Rugby, CV23 OHH. 01788 832 049   -  (2008)

C WILDING                  5 Oliver Place, Witham, Essex CM8 2UD - 1996 01376-514370

A WILSON                   14 Derwent Terrace, Mexborough, S Yorkshire S64 9JT 01709-585327

G WILSON                   75 Wilson Road, Allanton, Shotts, Lanarkshire ML7 5AR - 1997

W WILSON                  34 Deantown Ave, Whitecraig,Musselburgh EH21 8NX

J WILLIAMS                  17 Llwyn Beuno, Bontnewydd, Carnarfen, Gwynedd 01586 675410

R WOOD                     c/o 46 Armdale Rd Whitburn, EH47 0EX. 07850 890953     -  2010

G WOOLRIDGE         32 Westfield Road, Thatcham, Berks RG13 3EJ

Judging  engagements should be confirmed in writing.

Revised  April 11

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Show Results 2007



Best Fife                           G.F. Hook

Best Champion                 G.F. Hook

2nd Best Champion          K & S. Theuinger

3rd Best Champion          K & S. Theusinger


Best Cinnamon               G. F. Lock


Best Novice                   J. Thomas

2nd Best Novice              J. Thomas

3rd Best Novice             J. Thomas


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Southern England F.F.C.C.  2007

Best Fife                            Mr P. Dyer 

Best Champion                   Mr P. Dyer         

2nd  Best Champion             G. Spencer

3rd  Best Champion             R. Evans

4t   Best Champion            R. Pratt

5th Best Champion              J. Oram

6th Best Champion              J. & R. Weaire

7th Best Champion              G. Spencer

Best Ch Flighted                 R. & S. Fox


Best Novice                        J. Nickolson

2nd  Best Novice                  B. Leggett

3rd  Best Novice                  B. Leggett

4t   Best Novice                  M. Bowles

5th Best Novice                   C. Dyte

6th Best Novice                   R. & J. Martin

7th Best Novice                   M. Bowles

Best Nov Flighted               ****

886 Fifes Benched

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Southern Counties FFCC  2007

Best Fife                                                                        Godsell & Carline

Best Champion                                                            Godsell & Carline

2nd Best Champion                                                      Smith & Evans


Best Champion Clear or Ticked                                L. Russell

Best Champion Lightly Variegated                                 Godsell & Carline

Best Champion Heavily Variegated                                Smith & Evans

Best Champion Self or Foul Green                                 K. Roberts

Best Champion Cinnamon                                              Gillott & Clark

Best Champion Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                      A. Guppy

Best Champion Flighted                                                 L. Russell

Best Novice                                                                 B. Leggett

2nd Best Novice                                                           M. Bowles

Best Novice Clear or Ticked                                     B. Leggett                  

Best Novice Lightly Variegated                                      M. Bowles      

Best Novice Heavily Variegated                                     R. E. Yates

Best Novice Self or Foul Green                                     W. Gammon

Best Novice Cinnamon                                                  J. Harris

Best Novice Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                           T. Edwards

Best Novice Flighted                                                     J. Nickolson

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North Wales FFCC  2007

Best Fife                                                                        G. Spencer

Best Opp Sex                                                                G. Spencer

Best Champion                                                              G. Spencer

Best Champion Clear or Ticked                                G. Spencer

Best Champion Lightly Variegated                                 G. Spencer

Best Champion Heavily Variegated                                G. Spencer

Best Champion Self or Foul Green                                 G. Spencer

Best Champion Cinnamon                                              K. Burke

Best Champion Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                      McEwan/McGlinchey

Best Champion Flighted                                                 McEwan/McGlinchey

Best Novice                                                                 C. & L. Thomas

Best Novice Clear or Ticked                                     R. Gilmour

Best Novice Lightly Variegated                                      Mr & Mrs Paterson     

Best Novice Heavily Variegated                                     D. & S. Green

Best Novice Self or Foul Green                                     C. & L. Thomas

Best Novice Cinnamon                                                  P. & P. Wood

Best Novice Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                           I. Humphries

Best Novice Flighted                                                     C. & L. Thomas

713    Birds

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North West FFCC 2007

Best Fife                                                                        Rob Roy Fifes

Best Champion                                                            Rob Roy Fifes

2nd Best Champion                                                      A. Garvey

3rd Best Champion                                                      Rob Roy Fifes

4th Best Champion                                                      Clarke & Gillott

5th Best Champion                                                      J. Hughes

6th Best Champion                                                      Clarke & Gillott

7th Best Champion                                 Clarke & Gillott


Best Novice                                                                  C. & A. Vaughan        

2nd Best Novice                                                           W. Gammon

3rd Best Novice                                                           P. & P. Wood

4th Best Novice                                                           C. & A. Vaughan

5th Best Novice                                                           C. Dyte

6th Best Novice                                                           C. & A. Vaughan

7th Best Novice                                                 B. Tunnicliffe


Best Champion Clear or Ticked                                A. Garvey

Best Champion Lightly Variegated                                 Clarke & Gillott           

Best Champion Heavily Variegated                                Rob Roy Fifes

Best Champion Self or Foul Green                                 R. Kaye

Best Champion Self Cinnamon                                       Clarke & Gillott

Best Champion Variegated Cinnamon                            Clarke & Gillott

Best Champion Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                      E.D. Graham


Best Novice Clear or Ticked                                     C. & G. Vaughan

Best Novice Lightly Variegated                                      B. Tunnicliffe   

Best Novice Heavily Variegated                                     C. Dyte

Best Novice Self or Foul Green                                     C. & G. Vaughan

Best Novice Self Cinnamon                                           C. & G. Vaughan

Best Novice Variegated Cinnamon                                 W. Gammon

Best Novice Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                           C. Dyte

West Wales FFCC  2007

Best Fife                                                                        Smith & Evans

Best Champion                                                              Smith & Evans

Ru-Up Best Champion                                                  J. Watkins

Best Champion Clear or Ticked                                Smith & Evans

Best Champion Lightly Variegated                                 Smith & Evans

Best Champion Heavily Variegated                                Smith & Evans

Best Champion Self or Foul Green                                 J. Watkins

Best Champion Var/H.Var Cinnamon                            G. J. Shenton

Best Champion Self Cinnamon                                       Smith & Evans

Best Champion Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                      J. Watkins

Best Flighted Cock                                                        T. W. Davies

Best Flighted Hen                                                          T. W. Davies

Best Novice                                                                 Mark    Jones

Ru-Up Best Novice                                                       Mark    Jones

Best Novice Clear or Ticked                                     Mark    Jones

Best Novice Lightly Variegated                                      Mark    Jones

Best Novice Heavily Variegated                                     Mark    Jones

Best Novice Self or Foul Green                                     Mark    Jones

Best Novice Var/H.Var Cinnamon                                 J. J. Harris

Best Novice Self   Cinnamon                                          J. J. Harris

Best Novice Allied White ( Inc Fawn )                           Mark   Jones

Best Junior                                                                    J. Scott

2nd Best Junior                                                               J. Scott

3rd Best Junior                                                               J. Scott

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Show Results 2008

North West FFCC
Best Champion Clear                                         RobRoy Fifes (Best in Show)
Best Champion Variagated                               RobRoy Fifes
Best Champion H/Variagated                          G Spencer
Best Champion Self Green                               C&G Vaughan
Best Champion Self Cinnamon                        C&G Vaughan
Best Champion Var Cinnamon                        J Hughes
Best Champion All To White                           C&G Vaughan
Best Champion Self Blue                                  G Spencer

Best Novice Clear                                              A Williams (Best Novice)
Best Novice Variagated                                   C&L Thomas
Best Novice H/Variagated                              M&J Gibson
Best Novice Self Green                                     A Williams
Best Novice Self Cinnamon                             A Williams
Best Novice Var Cinnamon                             E Archer
Best Novice All To White                                 J Timperley
Best Novice Self Blue                                        J Timperley

North Wales FFCC
Best in Show, Best Novice and Best Variegated Novice                          A & S Kendall
Best Opposite Sex in Show and Best Champion Green                           Jones & Roberts
Best Champion, Best Variegated, Best H/Variegated, Best Vari Cinnamon, Best Self Cinnamon and Best Allied to White Champion  Gerald Spencer
Best Flighted                                                                                                    Shelbourne & Hore  .
Best Champion Clear                                                                                     C & G Vaughan England.
Best Novice Clear                                                                                           B.Tunnicliffe
Best H.Variegated Novice                                                                             A.Williams
Best Novice Green and Best Novice Variegated Cinnamon                  S.Roberts
Best Novice Self Cinnamon and Best Novice Allied to White               A.Duff  
International Result :
Champions for third year running Scotland, with Wales second and England third.
Novices Winners Wales with Scotland second and England third.

Southern Counties FFCC
BEST IN SHOW -                                     B LEGGETT

BEST CHAMPION -                                 M BOWLES
2ND BEST CHAMPION -                        G NORTHERN

BEST NOVICE -                                       B LEGGETT
2ND BEST NOVICE -                             M JONES
BEST CHAMP CLEAR -                           J ORAM
BEST CHAMP VAR -                              M BOWLES
BEST CHAMP H/V -                             G NORTHERN
BEST CHAMP CINN -                            T. W. DAVIES
BEST CHAMP FLT -                               BELLCHAMBERS + SMITH

BEST NOVICE CLEAR -                         D CHESHIRE
BEST NOVICE VAR -                            J HARRIS
BEST NOVICE H/V -                            B LEGGETT
BEST NOVICE CINN -                         B LEGGETT
BEST NOVICE FLT -                             S MCDONALD

Devon & Cornwall  FFCC
Best in Show -                                 K + S Roberts
Best Champion -                            K + S Roberts
2nd Best Champion -                   M Pascoe
3rd Best Champion -                    K + S Roberts
Best Novice -                                  D Holley
2nd Best Novice -                          D Holley
3rd Best Novice -                          W Major
Best Champion Clear -                M Pascoe
Best Champion variegated -     R Ellis
Best Champion H/V -                   K + S Roberts
Best Champion Green -              K+S Roberts
Best Champion Cinnamon -      T.W.Davies
Best Champion White -               T.W.Davies
Best Novice Clear -                      D Holley
Best Novice Variegated -          W Major
Best Novice Green -                    W Major
Best Novice Cinnamon -           W Major
Best Novice White -                   D Holley

Best In Show -                         Hembry & Whates

Best Champion -                    Hembry & Whates
Best Novice -                           G MacBeath
Best Jnr -                                  T Wolverson
Champion Colours
Clear    Best -                           RobRoy Fifes
Variegated   Best -                  R Watson
HV  Best -                                 M Eld
Self Green   Best -                  G Northern
Cinnamon  Best -                  GJ Shenton
Allied White  Best -              Hembry & Whates
Flighted -                                G Northern
Novice Colours
Clear  Best -                           B Keogh
Variegated  Best -                 A S Kendall
HV  Best - N Willis
Self Green  Best -                 G MacBeath
Cinnamon  Best -                 I Morton
Allied White  Best -            B Keogh

Northhumberland & Durham FFCC
BEST CHAMPION Best Fife                          M BELL
BEST NOVICE                                                 G CURRY
CLEAR OR TICKED                                    M BELL
VARIEGATED                                             G MURDIE
H/V INC TPD                                             G SPENCER
GREEN SELF/FOUL                                    C &G VAUGHAN
CINN VAR/TPD                                          G SPENCER
CINN SELF OR FOUL                                 G SPENCER
WHITE/ALLIED                                          CAMPBELL & WILSON
CLEAR OR TICKED                                     GRAINGER & SON
VARIEGATED                                             G CURRY
H/V INC TPD                                             M & J GIBSON
GREEN SELF OR FOUL                              G CURRY
CINN VAY/TPD                                         A BARKER
CINN SELF OR FOUL                                R & J MARTIN
WHITE/ALLIED                                         R & J MARTIN

Southern England FFCC
Best Fife -                                      B Leggatt
Best Champion -                          G Spencer
2nd Best -                                      G Spencer
3rd Best -                                       J Murray
4th Best -                                       G Spencer
5th Best -                                       G Spencer
6th Best -                                       G Spenser
7th Best -                                       R+S Fox
Best Champ Clear -                     J Murray
Best Champ Var -                        G Spencer
Best Champ H/V -                       G Spencer
Best Champ Green -                  G Spencer
Best Champ Cinn -                    G Spencer
Best Champ White -                 R+S Fox

Best Novice -                             B Leggatt
2nd Best -                                  K Peck
3rd Best -                                    R+J Martin
4th Best -                                    R Bowers-Brown
5th Best -                                   B Leggatt
6th Best -                                   R+J Martin
7th Best -                                  B Leggatt
Best Novice Clear -                 K Peck
Best Novice Var -                    A Duff
Best Novice H/V -                   B Leggatt
Best Novice Green -               R Bowers-Brown
Best Novice Cinn -                  R+J Martin
Best Novice White -               R+J Martin
Best Flighted Fife -                C+G Vaughan

2008 West Of Scotland Fife Fancy Canary Club Show Results 750 Birds
Best Champion Clear / Ticked                          A Pennington
Best Champion Green / Variagated                 McEwan & Mcglinchey
Best Champion heavy / Variagated                H & W Jardine
Best Champion Self Green                               G Murdie
Best Champion Cinn Variagated                    S Cook
Best Champion Self Cinn                                G Spencer
Best Champion White                                     G Spencer
Best Champion 6 Birds Nominated               G Murdie

Best Novice Clear / Ticked                            W McComb
Best Novice Green Variagated                      G Macbeath
Best Novice Heavy / Variagated                  G Macbeath
Best Novice Self Green                                  R Herd
Best Novice Cinn Variagated                       K James
Best Novice Self Cinn                                   D Bain
Best Novice White                                        I Ross (Best In Show)


North of England FFCC

Best in Show                                                         G. Spencer

Best Champion Clear                                          T. Kelly
Best Champion Ticked to Light Variegated    Green & Stillie
Best Champion Variegated                               G. Spencer
Best Champion Self Green                                  T. Kelly

Best Champion Foul                                            Green & Stillie

Best Champion Cinnamon                                 M. Barnet

Best Champion White Allied                             G. Spencer       


Best Novice                                                           R. Shaw


Best Novice Clear                                                 R. Stansfield                
Best Novice Ticked to Light Variegated            G. Curry     
Best Novice Variegated                                       A & S. Kendall                       
Best Novice Self Green                                       R.K. Bowers Brown                            

Best Novice Foul                                                  P. Herd                     

Best Novice Cinnamon                                      B. Leggett                   

Best Novice White Allied                                   R & J. Martin


Best Junior                                                           S. Hembry

2nd Best Junior                                                 S. Hembry



East Anglian FFCC

Best Fife in Show                                 Delaney & Forwood

Best Champion                                     Hembry & Whates

2nd Best Champion                               Colin Hart

3rd Best Champion                               Colin Hart


Best Champion Clear                          R. Knowles

Best Champion Variegated                M & P. Major

Best Champion TPD                             Colin Hart

Best champion Cinnamon                 Clark & Gillott

Best Champion White Allied             Hembry & Whates


Best Novice                                           Delaney & Forwood            

2nd Best Novice                                     B. Leggett

3rd Best Novice                                     B. Leggett


Best Novice Clear                                K. Peck

Best Novice Variegated                      B. Leggett

Best Novice TPD                                   B. Abbott

Best Novice Cinnamon                       Delaney & Forwood

Best Novice White Allied                   B. Leggett


West Wales Fife Fancy Canary Club:
Best Fife in show -                                         J .J. Harris
Best Champion -                                            Shelbourne & Hore
2nd Best Champion -                                    Smith & Evans
Best Champion Clear -                                 G Bartlett
Best Champion self or foul green -            Shelbourne & Hore
Best Champion Variegated -                       R Sanders
Best Champion Hvly variegated -              T W Davies
Best Champion variegated cinn -              G Bartlett
Best Champion self or foul cinn -              J. Wakeman
Best Champion White/Fawn -                    Smith & Evans
Best Flighted cock -                                      K & S Roberts
Best Flighted hen -                                        Shelbourne & Hore

Best Novice -                                                  J. J. Harris
2nd Best Novice -                                          D Cheshire
Best Novice Clear -                                       D Cheshire
Best Novice self or foul green -                  J. J. Harris
Best Novice Variegated -                             J. J. Harris
Best Novice Hvly variegated -                     G Scott
Best Novice variegated cinny -                   J. J. Harris
Best Novice self or foul cinny -                  M Jones
Best Novice White/Fawn -                           J. J. Harris

Best Junior - J Scott



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Show Results 2009


Northumberland & Durham F.F.C.C.


Best In Show: Clarke and Gillott

Best Champion: Clarke and Gillott
Best Novice: George Curry

Best Champion Clear: F Sanderson
Best Champion Variegated: I Watson
Best Champion Heavily Variegated: M and J Gibson
Best Champion Green: Clarke and Gillott
Best Champion Cinn Vari: F Sanderson
Best Champion Cinn Self: Clarke and Gillott
Best Chamion White Allied: G Wilson

Best Novice Clear: K Bainbridge
Best Novice Var: G Curry
Best Novice H/v: G Curry
Best Novice Green: R Shaw
Best Novice Cinn Vari: G Curry
Best Novice Cinn self: Grainger and Son
Best Novice White Allied: G Curry

570 birds


West Wales F.F.C.C.


Best Fife In Show                                              J.J. Harris
Best Champion                                                  Smith & Evans
Reserve Best Champion                                  Smith & Evans
Best Novice                                                         J.J. Harris
Reserve Best Novice                                         D. Cheshire

Best Champion Clear or Ticked                     Smith & Evans
Best Champion Variegated                             Smith & Evans
Best Champion H/Variegated                        K. & S. Roberts
Best Champion Self Or Foul Green              Smith & Evans
Best Champion Var/H/Var Cinnamon        J. Watkins
Best Champion Self or Foul Cinnamon      J. F. Wakeman
Best Champion white/Allied inc Fawn       Shelbourne & Hore
Best Novice Clear or Ticked                            M. Harris
Best Novice Variegated                                   M. Harris
Best Novice H/Variegated                              S. Bow
Best Novice Self or Foul Green                      S. Bow
Best Novice Var/H/Var Cinnamon               J.J. Harris
Best Novice Self or Foul Cinnamon              Mark. Jones
Best Novice White/Allied inc Fawn              D. Cheshire
Best Flighted Cock                                            D. Cheshire
Best Flighted Hen                                              Shelborne & Hore

Judges :~  Bill Bannister ( Wakefield)           Gerald Spencer ( Barnsley)


Fife Fancy C.C.


Best Fife                                                            J.I. Ross
Best Champion                                                G. Spencer
R/U best Champion                                        G. Wilson
Best Novice                                                      J.I. Ross
R/U best Novice                                              D. Black
Best Champion Clear                                     G. Spencer
Best Champion Light Variegated                G. Spencer
Best Champion Green Variegated             G. Wilson
Best Champion H/Var/ TPD                         G. Spencer
Best Champion Self Green                           Green & Stillie
Best Champion Cinnamon                           Turnbull & Lethridge
Best Champion White or Variegated       McEwan & Mc Glinchey
Best Champion Blue or Fawn                      McEwan & Mc Glinchey
Best Champion Flighted                                Green & Stillie
Best Novice Clear                                            T. Campbell
Best Novice Light Variegated                      Herd & Summerville
Best Novice Green Variegated                    T. Campbell
Best Novice H/Var/ TPD                               J.I. Ross
Best Novice Self Green                                  D. Black
Best Novice Cinnamon                                  Herd & Summerville
Best Novice White or Variegated               Herd & Summerville
Best Novice Blue or Fawn                            R. Weir
Best Novice Flighted                                      Herd & Summerville
6 Nominated Champion                               G. Spencer
6 Nominated Novice                                      J.I. Ross
Best Junior                                                        K. Stewart


Midland f.F.C.C.


Best Fife and Best Champion                       Gerald Spencer
Best Novice                                                       Gary Macbeath
Best Junior                                                         L Willis
Best Clear                                                            Smith & Evans
Reserve Best Clear                                            G Northern
Best Variegated                                                 A Carline
Reserve Best Variegated                                 A. Dutton
Best Heavy Variegated                                    G Spencer
Reserve Best Variegated                                 M & J Gibson
Best Self Green                                                  Smith & Evans
Reserve  Best Self Green                                 M&J Gibson
Best Cinnamon                                                  A Carline
Reserve Best Cinnamon                                  G Wilson
Best Allied White                                               Clarke & Gillott
Reserve Best Allied White                               G Northern
Best Flighted                                                       C&G Vaughan
Best Clear                                                            N Willis
Reserve Best Clear                                            B Tunnicliffe
Best Variegated                                                 G Macbeath
Reserve Best Variegated                                 P Nuttall
Best Heavy Variegated                                    S Mahon
Reserve Best Heavy Variegated                    T Jennings
Best Self Green                                                  G Macbeath
Reserve Best Self Green                                  T Hague
Best Cinnamon                                                  Mr & Mrs Hoof
Reserve Best Cinnamon                                  G Macbeath
Best Allied White                                               G Macbeath

Reserve Best Allied White                               T Hague
Best Flighted                                                       R & K Bowers-Brown

Total exhibits = 960     Champion = 675            Novice = 278              Junior = 7

Judges = T. Kelly,   A. Wilson,    J. Weaire,    M & P. Major.


North of England F.F.C.C.


Best Fife Canary In Show                                         J I Ross
Best Champion Fife Canary in Show                     I Watson
Best Novice Fife Canary in Show                            J I Ross
Best Junior                                                                    K Stewart

Champion Special Awards:
Best Clear                                                                      I Watson 
Best Ticked to 10% Lightly Variegated                 Smith & Evans
Best Variegated                                                           A P Carline
Best Heavily Variegated                                            D Lumsden

Best Self Green                                                            Smith & Evans
Best Foul Green                                                          G Spencer
Best Cinnamon                                                            A P Carline
Best Allied to White                                                   G Wilson 

Novice Special Awards:
Best Clear                                                                      G Curry

Best Ticked to 10% Lightly Variegated                 T Hague 
Best Variegated                                                           T Campbell
Best Heavily Variegated                                            J I Ross 
Best Self Green                                                            G Holdsworth
Best Foul Green                                                          G Holdsworth 
Best Cinnamon                                                            G Curry
Best Allied to White                                                   T Hague

Judges Engaged: Mr S Reynolds,   Mr H Clarke,   Mr P Gillott,    Mr R Godsall, 

Mr M Limrick,    Mr J Murray,      Mr C Adams


East of England F.F.C.C.

Champion section.

Best Champion                                              A. Fox
2nd Best Champion                                     A. Fox
3rd Best Champion                                      A. Fox
4th Best Champion                                      A. Fox.
5th Best Champion                                      A. Fox
6th Best Champion                                      J & R. Weaire
7th Best Champion                                      B. Leggett

Novice section.
Best Novice                                                    Gary Macbeath
2nd Best Novice                                            S. Kehoe.
3rd Best Novice                                            Gary Macbeath
4th Best Novice                                             K. Peck
5th Best Novice                                             Gary Macbeath
6th Best Novice                                             Gary Macbeath
7th Best Novice                                             Gary Macbeath.

Judges   M & P. Major.


North Wales F.F.C.C.

Best Fife in Show                                          McEwen & McGlinchie
Best Champion                                              McEwen & McGlinchie
Best Opp Sex in Show                                 G. Spencer


Best Champion Clear                                   RobRoy Fifes
Best Champion Variegated                        T. Carline
Best Champion H/Variegated                   McEwen & McGlinchie
Best Champion Self Green                         RobRoy Fifes
Best Champion Vari/Cinnamon                T. Carline
Best Champion Self/Cinnamon                R.H. Parry
Best Champion Allied White                      Clarke & Gillott

Best Novice Clear                                         I. Humphreys
Best Novice Variegated                              Herd & Summerville
Best Novice H/Variegated                          J.I. Ross
Best Novice Self Green                               R. Shaw
Best Novice Vari/Cinnamon                      Herd & Summerville
Best Novice Self/Cinnamon                       Herd & Summerville
Best Novice Allied White                            P. Field

Best Junior                                                     Shane Roberts

Jim Watkins Wales
Keith Roberts Wales
Derek Weaver Wales

670 birds entered


Cornwall & Devon F.F.C.C.







Southern Counties F.F.C.C.


BEST FIFE IN SHOW                                     Mark Jones

BEST CHAMPION                                          R & R WATSON
2ND BEST CHAMPION                                PURDIE & LESLIE

BEST CHAMP CLEAR                                    PURDIE & LESLIE
BEST CHAMP VAR                                        R & R WATSON
BEST CHAMP H/V                                         J & R WEAIRE
BEST CHAMP GREEN                                   CLARKE & GILLOT
BEST CHAMP CINN                                      G ARCHER
BEST CHAMP WHITE                                   E GRAHAM
BEST CHAMP FLT                                          D TANNER

BEST NOVICE FIFE                                        Mark   JONES
2ND BEST NOVICE FIFE                              R & K BOWERS & BROWN
BEST NOVICE CLEAR                                    R & K BOWERS & BROWN
BEST NOVICE VAR                                        R WIGMORE
BEST NOVICE H/V                                        J.J HARRIS
BEST NOVICE SELF GREEN                         W GAMMON
BEST NOVICE CINN                                      S GAMBIN
BEST NOVICE WHITE                                   Mark   JONES
BEST NOVICE FLT                                         R & K BOWERS & BROWN


681 Birds


North West F.F.C.C


BEST FIFE IN SHOW                                     G.HOLDSWORTH
BEST CHAMPION                                          CLARKE & GILLOTT

2nd BEST CHAMPION                                 F.SANDERSON
3rd BEST CHAMPION                                  B.TIMMINS
4th BEST CHAMPION                                  G.SPENCER
5th BEST CHAMPION                                  G.SPENCER
6th BEST CHAMPION                                  B.TIMMINS
7th BEST CHAMPION                                  CLARKE & GILLOTT

BEST NOVICE                                                 G.HOLDSWORTH
2nd BEST NOVICE                                        P.GLOVER
3rd BEST NOVICE                                         A&S KENDALL
4th BEST NOVICE                                         C & L THOMAS

5th BEST NOVICE                                         P. GLOVER
6th BEST NOVICE                                         A.WILLIAMS
7th BEST NOVICE                                         P.GLOVER


660 Birds



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Show Results 2011


Southern England FFCC

Best Fife, Best Champion & Best Champion u/f     B Leggett (green yellow hen)
Best Clear                                                                    A Fox
Best Champ Vari                                                         S Cook
Best Champ Hvy Vari                                                  R Knowles
Best Champ green                                                       B Leggett
Best Chanp Cinnamon                                                Carline & Dutton
Best Champ White                                                      G Northern

Best novice                                                                     T&J Cockburn
Best Novice clear                                                            Peck
Best novice Vari                                                             B Bodsworth
Best Novice Hvy Vari                                                     Mr & Mrs Field
Best novice green                                                           A Duff
Best Novice cinnamon                                                    A Duff
Best novice white                                                             T&J Cockburn

750 birds


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